
One of the key matters uniting aviation sector is safety - safety assurance implies close cooperation of stakeholders involved in aviation (regulators, air traffic service providers, airports, airlines, etc.). In this context air navigation service providers have a very specific role – provision of smooth and safe air traffic services, mitigation of collision risks between aircraft and between aircraft and terrain.

Safety Management System (SMS) is a coherent approach to managing safety - it covers the respective organisational structures, responsibilities, principles and procedures.

In EANS the organisation of the safety management system and operability of its elements is delegated to the Safety and Quality Department. Different specialists (air traffic controllers, engineers, technicians, AIS Officers, executive management) are involved in the development of EANS safety principles as well as in ensuring their implementation and operability.

Safety assurance has been in the focus of EANS operations since 1997. Safety management system meets both international and national requirements established for safety management.

The key elements of the safety management system (SMS) are:

  • the development of positive and proactive Safety Culture in the Company;
  • the description of management principles and setting Safety Policy and Objectives;
  • Risk Management;
  • Safety Assurance through reporting safety occurrences, investigations and implementation of corrective measures, measuring safety indicators, change management, conducting safety surveys and audits and, based upon their findings, implementation of corrective measures;
  • Safety Promotion through increased safety awareness, effective exchange of safety information, sharing of experience and training.